New Product!!! Luminous Ribbon | Shine Bright with High-Quality Metallic Ribbons for Decorations

Luminous Ribbon Launch | Metallic ribbon bulk purchase

New Product!!! Luminous Ribbon

2021/10/28 KING YOUNG
Luminous Ribbon Launch
Luminous Ribbon Launch

Luminous Ribbon

A light-storing fiber stores light and emit light during the dark. A self-glow fiber that is environmentally friendly, fine fiber, washable, and energy-saving, light glows from its contain rare element “Strontium”. Combine luminous powder to chemical fibers, gather with plastic fiber polymer, and then manufacture the ribbon with fiber yarns!


Why Luminous ribbon?

When surrounded by darkness, the luminous yarn will glow to show your way to create a safer place for night blindness. Luminous ribbons adding to Christmas trees, gifts, or floral arrangements, create a unique look and bright for the eyes!


Press Release